- 530 North America West Coast San Diego to Aleutian Islands and Hawaiโian Islands
- 540 Hawaiโian Islands
- 19004 Hawaiโian Islands
- 19007 Hawaiโi to French Frigate Shoals
- 19010 Hawaiโian Islands southern part
- 19013 Hawaiโian Islands northern part
- 19320 Island Of Hawaiโi
- 19322 Harbors and Landings on the Northeast and Southeast Coasts of Hawaiโi; Punaluโu Harbor, Honuโapo Bay, Honokaa Landing, Kukuihaele Landing
- 19324 Island Of Hawaiโi Hilo Bay
- 19326 Paโauhau Landing Island Of Hawaiโi
- 19327 West Coast of Hawaiโi Cook Point to Upolu Point, Keauhou Bay, Honokohau Harbor
- 19329 Mรคhukona Harbor and approaches Island Of Hawaiโi
- 19330 Kawaihae Bay-Island of Hawaii
- 19331 Kailua Bay Island Of Hawaiโi
- 19332 Kealakekua Bay to Hรถnaunau Bay
- 19340 Hawaiโi to Oโahu
- 19341 Hรคna Bay Island of Maui
- 19342 Kahului Harbor and approaches Kahului Harbor
- 19347 Channels between Molokai, Maui, Lรคnaโi and Kahoโolawe;Manele Bay
- 19348 Approaches to Lahaina, Island of Maui
- 19350 Island of Maui Maโalaea Bay
- 19351 Channels between Oโahu, Molokaโi and Lรคnaโi, Kaumalapaโu Harbor
- 19353 Harbors of Molokaโi Kaunakakai Harbor, Pรผkoo Harbor; Kamalรถ Harbor, Kolo Harbor, Lono Harbor
- 19357 Island of Oโahu, Barbers Point Harbor
- 19358 Southeast Coast of Oโahu Waimรคnalo Bay to Diamond Head
- 19359 Oโahu East Coast Kรคneโohe Bay
- 19361 Port Waโianae Island of Oโahu
- 19362 South Coast of Oโahu Kalaeloa
- 19366 Pearl Harbor Oโahu South Coast
- 19367 Island of Oโahu Honolulu Harbor
- 19369 Oโahu South Coast Approaches to Pearl Harbor
- 19380 Oโahu to Niโihau
- 19381 Island of Kauaโi
- 19382 Port Allen Island of Kauaโi
- 19383 Kauaโi Nawiliwili Bay
- 19384 Hanamaulu Bay Island of Kauaโi
- 19385 North Coast of Kauaโi Hรคโena Point to Kepuhi Point
- 19386 Kauaโi Approaches to Waimea Bay
- 19016 Niโihau to French Frigate Shoals, Necker Island, Nihoa
- 19019 French Frigate Shoals to Laysan Island
- 19022 Laysan Island to Kure Atoll
- 19401 French Frigate Shoals
- 19421 Gardner Pinnacles and approaches;Gardner Pinnacles
- 19441 Maro Reef
- 19480 Gambia Shoal to Kure Atoll including approaches to the Midway Islands
- 83633 United States Possession Approaches to Johnston Atoll
- 83637 Johnston Atoll;Johnston Island Harbor